
What Are the Benefits of Infographics?

Infographics are an enticing way to generate audience engagement on your website. This innovative digital marketing strategy sprung up in around 2012, when countless digital marketing agencies took advantage of its appeal. Pairing enticing images with pertinent facts became a great way to deliver dense information to a large audience quickly.

But everyone and anyone used infographics, making their application seem commonplace and overdone almost immediately. Now that we’ve overcome the awkward stages of growth pertaining to infographics, the digital marketing usage has come into its own as a SEO strategy.

After all, consumers love to look at graphics. In fact, HubSpot claims that businesses that use infographics will boost their online traffic by more than 12%.

If you’re running a website and want to boost your audience engagement and internet traffic, consider the benefits of infographics on your website.

They’re easier to read

Infographics are often paired with dense content because the information can be hard to understand. Most people don’t want to slog through paragraphs detailing difficult industry jargon. On top of that, most people simply don’t have the time to read through long-form content.

The new media landscape requires speed and efficiency above all else. While creating a great blog is a wonderful way to boost your SEO strategy, providing a clean, easy-to-read infographic will make your content more digestible for the average consumer.

It’s more shareable

All those aforementioned traits also make your website and infographic more shareable on social media. Websites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram rely on images to market products and gain traction on the internet. Providing summarized information in a streamlined way through infographics makes it easier for a wider audience to digest. When an infographic is particularly informational, this subject is more likely to get shared among users and reach a wider audience. If you’re not using visual graphics in your digital marketing strategy, you should contact a marketing company such as Straight Marketing LLC for more information.

A recent study also showed that posts with visual graphics are over 18% more likely to get shared on Twitter than tweets without visual aids.

It helps your brand

Visual graphics are a type of product designed to make your company an expert in its field. When you produce content that your audience loves, your reliability and trustworthiness among your clients — and Google — looks even better. This can ensure that your brand is trustworthy and a great investment opportunity.

Keep in mind that this works best when your infographics also reflect your brand. This includes the colors and images associated with your company, but it also means that your content is relevant to your industry. After all, you wouldn’t want to talk about nutrition facts if you’re a digital marketing agency. Rather, producing industry-specific content is the best way to get noticed by the right people. When you become an expert in your field, other businesses in your field may see your company as a great example to follow.

They’re more memorable

The human brain is adept at processing images over text. That means your consumer is more likely to remember a fun visual than a block of text after visiting your site. After all, that’s why branding and logos are important in the first place.

The worst thing that can happen to a business is being forgotten about. When you want your business to remain relevant, rely on infographics to spice up your onsite content and become a reputable name in your field.

Keep in mind, however, that you’ll likely need a great computer with premium graphics to establish a quality infographic. You’ll also need a capacity as large as a Melbourne data centre to handle processing for your digital marketing strategy. Before you dive into the world of infographics, be sure to talk to your marketing specialist about a strategy that works for your business.